Brushing our Teeth with Oreos
Supporting Tribal Church Planting in Papua New Guinea “Trying to clean the house while you have kids in it is like trying to brush your teeth while eating Oreos.” I remember seeing the above quote and laughing because of how true it is. Actually, one of the reasons that I hate doing household chores is […]

To Live and Breathe
A few days ago, I returned from a very special retreat called Ava. Some of you may have read Tom’s blog about the retreat called Traction in Switzerland that he was blessed to attend shortly after we began our home assignment time. Because of how deeply Tom was blessed by his time at Traction, he […]

February 2025 Update
Tickets booked! We have been waiting for a while on the fuel shortage in Papua New Guinea to be resolved before going again but there does not seem to be any resolution in sight. So far our mission aviation crew has been able to source fuel another way in order to continue operations. After discussing […]
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