This Doesn’t Look Good…
Aaron and I both listened attentively to the Patpatar Pastor as he was talking to us through the phone. “I have had this pain over the last few months. It happens to me. I have this terrible pain like something is stabbing me and burning me all at the same time. It goes from the my fingers to my wrist. It doesn’t usually happen a lot. Last night, though, it went from my fingers all the way up to my elbow. The pain lasted so very long and it was intense.”
As Aaron and I listened to Tokiung, something ran through my mind, “This doesn’t look good.” Tokiung and his family are the ones who had moved up onto the mountain to share the Gospel with the village there. Tokiung had faced persecution when they lived on the coast, but he is facing it now in his new-found home as well where he is sharing the Gospel. The rumor has gone out that if you believe and go to the Bible teaching that your life will be full of sickness and hardship. Rumors are only intensive now because for months, Tokiung has been struggling health-wise. He’s had episodes of pneumonia, and now these symptoms as well.
Please pray for Tokiung, and for the other believers as well, to continue on in the work and for the Lord to give them good health. Up to this point the local health services have not been able to diagnose or treat him and some of the initial diagnosis possibilities from our offsite mission doctor are a bit scary.
…But this looks really good
The pain continues, but so does the group of new Patpatar Christians. Right now, in the mountain village there is a course for them, as well as 3 other Evangelistic teachings being taught by the church on the coast. Aaron goes back into Patpatar in two weeks to spend some time with them. These are exciting days that we can all be involved with as we pray for the Lord to enable the workers, the Patpatar believers, and as we pray for Him to open hearts and help them see the truth.

This is way too cold…
“Why does it have to be so cold?” Sierra kept repeating this mantra as she shuffled through our fog enshrouded house trying to get ready for school robed in her sweatshirt and mitten socks. Minutes later, we scouted her and her two sisters out the door to catch the “school bus” to Numonohi Christian Academy in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Then it is off to the office for Mom and Dad. Wow, there is a lot we are adjusting to as a family:
- For the first time in 14 years on the field Lori is not homeschooling.
- Avalon, our oldest daughter, is at Ethnos360 Bible Institute doing life back in the United States.
- Our 2nd daughter, Sierra is attending NCA, but able to live with her parents this year and not in a dorm.
- Kylee and Briella are also attending the school and involved in some extracurricular activities.
- We are living in the cool mountains of PNG rather than the hot coastal lands.
- Aaron’s full-time job is the Church Development Coordinator, but is continuing work as a consultant to missionaries and ministry with the Patpatar.
- Lori is working part time as Aaron’s assistant as well as getting involved in literacy training, homeschooling board, and work at the missionary center.
This year has been a whirlwind and we’ve moved to 7 different homes all across PNG. Now for the first time, we are fully unpacking our belongings and trying to settle in. Here is a quick recap of our year:
- July – November ’18 doing e2 in the Madang province to train all the new missionaries arriving to Papua New Guinea prior to them heading into different tribes throughout the country.
- December 2018 – Moved back into Patpatar to spend time with the church on the coast and the outreach in the little mountains of Patpatar.
- January – April 2019 – After a month in the guesthouse in the Eastern area, we moved into another house on center for the missionaries in the islands of Papua New Guinea, to be a part of the team there in meeting the needs of our tribal church planting teams.
- May 2019 – Spent a month in Goroka, working from home and spending time with Avalon during her last month at school in PNG before graduation and heading back to the United States.
- June – July 2019 – Moved back to the Madang Province to be on staff for the college short-term missions program called Interface.
- August 2019 – ? – Moved to a small center near Goroka town, where we can have our girls in school, do the Church Development Director role for the field, and continue to be involved with the Patpatar ministry and consultant needs.
…but this is really cool.
In this new phase of ministry, we get to not only be involved with Patpatar, but with many other tribal church planting works as well. With Aaron as the church development director in Papua New Guinea, we have the privilege to be involved with 77 families and singles working in 43 different tribes throughout the country. These works are in all different stages with some who are just moving in and beginning language study and others are working with an established church and finishing the Bible translation.
Thank you for your involvement with our family and ministry,
Aaron and Lori Luse and family