Wouldn’t it be so nice to drive 20 minutes to see an ENT (Ear, Nose, Threat specialist)? For us, that means flying to Australia – taking 2 flights and probably an overnight on the way. The ends of the earth take a while to get to – and from.
Yes, Aaron has to go to Cairns for sinus issues again. Aaron has been sick with daily nausea and vertigo since the middle of March. To finally get that taken care of will be a HUGE relief for him. We’re praying for a permanent solution for his sinus issues! This time, the whole family is going. We really need a break together as a family instead of being separated for weeks on end again.
We had enough money to buy one-way tickets and are praying for the rest!
Tribal Works
It’s been over a year since the Iski people have heard the gospel for the first time. Now that the main gospel teaching has been given, many of the people would like to move back down to the valley where their gardens are. You see, several years ago the people had moved up from the valley and built a village closer to one of our other works just to attract missionaries. Now, they are wanting to go home. Pray for wisdom for the Iski work as they work through the logistics as a team to continue to teach the Iski beyond the gospel message.
Menya has been taught through the gospel message and there are believers now in this village! Pray for the Menya as they hear more truth taught. Go to http://osbornmission.com/ to see updates.
The Maliyali work (picture above) has two families learning the culture and language of the people – and they have been making good progress! A third family is joining them and is house-building now. They will start CLA (Culture and Language Acquisition) soon. Go to https://www.gosharebuild.com/ for updates.
New help on the Way!
New families joined us here in Papua New Guinea in January to become church planters. 9 more adults are coming in July with 3 more families on their way in January. 21 adults are on their way in the next 12 months to help us with support ministries (teachers, maintenance, etc). God is continuing to send workers out to the wheat fields – white and ready to harvest – in PNG!
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