Praise God for the time we had with this group of Tutors. They are disciples of disciples and are themselves discipling the students who graduated in November of last year. Thank you so much for your prayers; it is very evident that God answered them!
Some of the teaching topics that were covered were: Mutual care in leadership; The value of each believer as a member of the body; The commitment of the Tutors in discipleship; Teamwork; and Stewardship – always keeping in mind that all of the ministry is carried out in the context of the church, to the honor and glory of God.
Pastor Arcesio compared the ministry of leadership and discipleship with a man who paddles a canoe (accompanied by others) on a long trip. He must paddle with a clearly defined route, with perseverance, in order to stay on track and arrive safely at the port of his destination. A leader must be faithful, a good role model, honest, compassionate, lead a transparent life and have other qualities described in the Word. “You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men.” 2 Co. 3:2
In the afternoon sessions, they worked on developing plans and strategies for travelling to other villages. We are always amazed at how God is using this group of tutors and leaders to continue with the expansion and strengthening of the church through the home Bible studies. Our brethren are very excited about obeying the Great Commission, taking the Word to the very great population of guahibo people. Pray with us for them and their families, as they confront many challenges in carrying out this ministry, asking God to provide for all their needs in every area of their lives.
During an informal chat during coffee break, one Pastor named a variety of the trees around us, some of which, he said, give off an unpleasant smell, but others perfuming the air with very nice and agreeable odors, which make us enjoy being near them. During an informal chat over coffee, a Guahibo pastor named a variety of trees around us, some of which give off unpleasant odors. Then he went on to say that others do spread soft and pleasant smells that we enjoy being nearby. Thus, he exhorted the Leaders that our lives, in service to God, should be a fragrant aroma, an aroma of life that leads to life (2 Co. 2:15)
Each person who participated in this time was gratefully blessed with deep, clear and timely teaching from God’s Word. What a privilege it was for Alberto and me to listen to these beloved disciples who are now pastor and leaders teaching the Word so faithfully.
Ministry with the ladies
We had a very enjoyable time of teaching and fellowship. Some of them taught and did it very well. One topic they dealt with was the lies that Guahibo women believe about dreams. They did so with conviction, sharing about the victories that God had given them, not fearing the lying messages which these dreams communicate, but instead believing in God and his constant care for them.
Let us pray for our dear sisters, for spiritual growth, health, and the desire to continue accompanying their husbands in the ministry. They spend a great deal of time at home with their children. May the Lord give them wisdom and faithfulness to teach them God’s Word.
Ministry to the young people
During this same gathering, the young people’s ministry was formally inaugurated, made up of a team that God has been preparing in different ways for the last two years. They are very motivated. Teaching materials have been prepared. It isn’t easy to work with the youth.
Thank you for praying for these dear servants who desire to serve the Lord in this Ministry.
Alberto and Nancy