No, we haven’t fallen off any cliffs, or drowned, or gotten lost in the jungle. We are sorry we haven’t written in a while. We don’t have any excuses, we’ve just been busy & a bit ‘caught up’ in things here. So for the 5 people who may sometimes read this, here’s a quick little update:
One weekend we had a friends fly up from São Paulo for a visit…it was a BLAST! We’ve celebrated Ethan’s 10th birthday & our 11th anniversary. We’ve gone to other children’s birthday parties. We’ve done work projects (like painting buildings, cleaning out rooms/buildings, mowing, preparing classrooms for the school year, etc.). Attended potlucks on Sundays (fellowship among co-workers is VERY IMPORTANT!) 🙂 We’ve had buying trips (buying supplies for the school). And we continue to do & learn a host of things as well.
So that’s it in a ‘nutshell.’ I’ll try to get back in the habit of posting again. There are bound to be interesting things to write about as school begins.
Know that we miss & love all our friends & family around the world!