Adoption is something that has ALWAYS been dear to our hearts. When my (Angela) mom died on my16th birthday, it really opened my eyes to the need of soooooooooooo many kids around the world. Needless to say, when we started dating seriously, this was one issue that we discussed. Thankfully, we were both in agreement that IF someday we could adopt, we would like to.
So here we are after 3 years of dating & 11 1/2 years of marriage….and we are in the process of adopting. We don’t yet know if we’ll be approved, we don’t know who will (possibly) join our family, we don’t know much really. But we do know that we still feel very strongly about pursuing this. So we are in the process of adopting. Please pray that we’ll know what the Lord has for us….1 child, no (more) children, siblings, or????? And when there is more to ‘know’, we’ll make sure to give an update.
Before I had a chance to ‘publish’ this, we were asked to consider adopting three siblings. So we are in the process of finding out more info about them & getting to know them (we are allowed to visit them and have them- eventually- visit us at our home) before we make any decisions.
We’ll let you know what we decide as soon as we know. Thank you for your support!