So I’ve been waiting FOREVER to be able to write a post about something (Sorry for being gone so long!). But I realize now that it could be some time….so I decided I would share it with you anyway. This is our saga….
Joel’s parents have worked at PQQ for over 30 years. During those years they did the ministry that we are currently doing (supply buying). With all those years under their belts, they decided it would be SUPER helpful/beneficial to have a truck to use. (Currently we have to use the ‘mission vehicle’. Which means we have to get permission, return it, can only use it for so much time, etc….it’s what we have, so we do it, but it can be challenging at times.) So what does this have to do with us? Well, after a number of years raising the funds (it’s SUPER EXPENSIVE here!), they finally got ALL the money. But they are in the States right now. Being the wonderful parents that they are, they decided to let us go ahead and purchase the truck now so that we could go ahead and use it.
Okay. First step, get the money to Brazil. I won’t tell you all the details, but let me tell you…this was NOT as easy as it sounds. But it was done. Second, have the money given to the dealership so we can get the truck. NOT done. Currently some of the money is sitting in a bank. For some reason, which we can’t quite grasp, the bank can not give it to the dealership. So what to do? Send it all back to America of course! Okay, doesn’t sound too hard, right? Wrong. In order to get the money sent back, the dealership has to ‘release’ it by signing some special forms. Have they done that? Nope. And it’s already been a couple of weeks. And of course once the money gets back to America, we will once again have to get it back here…not sure how that will happen.
So that’s the saga. Got money, want to buy truck, can’t. Life sure does stay interesting on the mission field. 🙂