As time marches on and we continue to prepare for our time of home assignment (starting June 2016), I thought I would share some thoughts.
Home assignment, also known as furlough, is a time for reconnecting with ministry partners and churches, meeting and connecting with new ministry partners and churches, addressing any medical/health/education/other issues, rest & refreshment.
What home assignment is NOT:
it is not vacation. We spend hours upon hours a week calling, setting up & preparing to share our ministry with others. This is WORK!
it is not always fun. Spending 12 hours in the car with carsick children to go to a 2 hour church service is hard. (But SO WORTH IT!)
it is not cheap. Because we are spending our time in ministry, WE STILL NEED SUPPORT.
What home assignment IS:
Connecting. It not only reconnects us (Joel & Angela) with our friends, family & church(es), it allows our children to reconnect as well. And this time around, allows our youngest, Gabriel, to meet our friends & family for the FIRST time ever! This is a big deal after living overseas for 7 years.
A time to address medical/health/other issues. There are a number of things that we ‘put off’ while waiting to return to the USA. This time of home assignment will give us the chance to address some of these concerns.
A time for humility. It is NOT easy to ask for money. But that is exactly what missionaries do. We ask for prayer, encouragement (like e-mails, letters, phone calls, texts, packages, etc.) AND financial support. We can’t do what we do without the body of Christ working WITH US. It’s humbling. Really, really humbling.
A BLESSING! Hopefully as much to you, as it is to us!
So there it is. Just a short version of what home assignment is and is not. Really, there is more. So much more. But you get the idea!
Please be praying:
- for the tribes of Brazil (this is why we are here!)
- for the missionary parents & children (it’s hard being apart!)
- for the staff of the school (for wisdom, good health, unity & MORE co-workers!)
- that this semester will go well (for each of us to draw closer to the Lord!)
- for our upcoming time of home assignment (for the cost of airline tickets as well as, anything you can think of) 😉
We are praying for you & look forward to seeing you soon!
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