About a year ago three Guanano bible teachers with very little help from the missionaries taught the 68 bible lessons to evangelized those that they had invited to come. Well as fruit of that hard spiritual work six new baby believers were born into the family of God! Since then Guanano bible teachers Mario and Herman have been teaching these new believers along with the older believers through more lessons designed to ground them and now we are in chapter 20 of the book of Acts. Well one of the new believers Jessí maybe 20 years old and I were walking the 45 minutes to our mid week bible study and it came out that he had been shamed into drinking and got drunk by some old unsaved acquaintances. He shared his heart how frustrating this was to him as he felt so bad before God about it. Later when it was time to give prayer requests he shared his heart with the church here and I would like to pass that on to you to remember to pray for as well. It went something like this, “As you know Robert and Marcelena, Luis, Vicente, little Gustavo and I are new believers. Please pray for us as we fall into sin often even when we don’t want to. It is hard for us to trust Jesus to change our lives. Please pray that we would trust Christ in us to overcome our sinful ways of living.” And pray we did. Please remember these friends as well to learn to hate their sin nature driven habits and to depend by faith on Jesus and his life in them to take the sin nature’s place. Galatians 2:20. Thanks for praying!