Some of you may remember a while back that we were asking you to pray that the Lord would provide the funds for a Kodiak airplane to be used by NTM in Papua New Guinea. We are excited to share with you that not only did the Lord provide a Kodiak, He provided three!!! The first one is already in PNG and we got to see it when we were recently out in town on a break. Our aviation team here plans to have it flying in the next few months.
Having the Kodiak is especially good news for our family. Because of the long flying distance to get to Amdu from our closest NTM center (the plane has to carry extra fuel) and because our four boys just keep growing (and therefore getting heavier), we are close to maxing out the available space on the smaller Cessna 206’s that NTM is currently using. The Kodiak can carry considerably more weight and still land on grass airstrips like ours in Amdu. If all goes according to plan, the next time we have to fly out of Amdu for our regional conference in the spring we might be getting a ride on the Kodiak!! We can keep feeding our boys and we won’t have to leave anyone behind!
Praise the Lord with us for His provision of these airplanes. And don’t forget to pray for our team of pilots, mechanics and other aviation personnel who serve the Lord by helping to support those of us who live and minister in remote tribal groups!!