Another semester has come to a close and we are adjusting to our summer schedule. Goodbyes, family fun and hopefully some time in the sun will be our summer experience this year!
We kicked off the Summer season with our graduation ceremony on May 17th. It’s always a bitter-sweet experience. During a student’s two years here they learn so much, grow phenomnally and become good friends.
Tami Brooke in this picture with Missy is a good example of these friendships. We’ll miss her and the many others we have grown close to.
As the weather has improved we have been outdoors much more. Our kids are just eating up the freedom. We are logging as many hours and special events with their Granny and Grandad (James and Lisa) as they will be leaving the USA for Northern Ireland in just a few short weeks.
They are due to leave on June 30th and will begin a new ministry at the NTMUK missionary training center teaching in the Bible course there. Our kids have formed such a lovely bond with their Grandparents. There are no words to express how much they will be missed and how difficult it will be to say goodbye. Please pray for us as we work through this new chapter in our lives.
Benjamin spends most of his time behind a desk during the semester and suffers the normal physical consequences. So this summer he has opted to spend some time working with the guys in the physical plant department. He’s been enjoying the manual labor which is a real change of pace for him.
For the rest of the summer he will be working on planning for the leadership training program held in August. He will also be preparing student notes for the two classes he teaches among other preparations for the Fall.
Meanwhile in many obscure corners of the earth the missionry endeavor of NTM continues. This has been a year that the fruit of years of investment has been realized. The NTM website documents all of these stories in their many articles. Just click on the NTM logo at the top of this page.
Abohapiya pictured here with his family are new believers and members of the fledgling Moi church in Papua, Indonesia. Your faithful suport allows our ministry and the ministry ot the Moi’s and many others to continue. Thank you for your generous investment.