Thank you for thinking of us
Thank you to those of you who have written to us recently inquiring about how we are doing. Your ongoing prayer for us and financial support of this ministry is a constant encouragement to our hearts. Thank you for asking specifically about our kids. The fact that you are as concerned about our family as you are about the Amdu people is especially encouraging. These past months have been filled with great opportunities for all of us.

Gianna Rosalie
Gianna was able to participate in a month long work study at the clinic at our main mission center here in PNG. The missionary doctors and nurses have a program that allows young people to come and shadow them in order to get more exposure to all things medical. This was a great experience for Gigi and in this short video she describes some of the things she was able to do.
In January Gianna will be moving to our mission boarding school to live there while she finishes her senior year of high school. She will be living with Greg and Hannah Lilley and their son Lance, along with three other MK’s who are also boarding with the Lilley’s. It is a chance for Gianna to experience life away from home and increased responsibility. It will be good preparation for her and for us as we think ahead to August 2022 when Gianna and Judah will be stepping out on their own and starting Bible School together.

Judah Benjamin
Speaking of Judah he continues to enjoy the many great opportunities he is getting during his gap year. We are thankful for the oversight he has been getting from experienced missionaries who report that they are pleased with Judah’s attitude and work ethic.
A recent addition to Judah’s responsibilities was becoming a D-Group leader. “D” for discipleship. He meets with the 12 and 13 year old boys from the MK School once a week to facil a Bible study with them. Pray that God would use his testimony to encourage these young men. Judah and his roommate Jonas (pictured above, far right,) are going to be coming to Amdu for Christmas. We praise God for the many lessons that Judah is learning that are all preparing him for the next steps God has for him. Thank you so much for continuing to pray for him.

Tiernan and Silas
Tiernan and Silas are going to be the only two of our four kids at home with us after the New Year. That is going to take some getting used to for all of us. Recently the boys took part in an annual event we have here in PNG called Spiritual Emphasis Weekend. This is an event geared towards the teenagers around the field of Papua New Guinea to encourage them in the Lord and to challenge them to a life of walking faithfully with God. SEW is an event that our kids have really looked forward to each year because of the great lengths the organizers go to making it fun and memorable for them. We’re so thankful to God for how He continues to faithfully draw our kids to Himself. Pray for volunteers to keep giving their time to events like these.

Amdu Believers
We’re so thankful for all that God is doing in the lives of the believers here in Amdu. Pictured above are two ladies who meet on their own every Saturday to review together. It is a joy for Missy and I to interact with these hungry believers, helping them understand truths about God and His word that are vital for their growth. Recently we have spent time focusing on topics like the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives today versus how the Spirit of God manifested His power in the Early Church. The big take away from this set of lessons was a growing confidence in the fact that God’s word is complete and sufficient and it is the source of the Spirit’s work in us to conform us.
Pray for those believers that are still illiterate. One man in particular, (pictured in the banner photo with Benjamin,) who is learning how to read, but slowly, is still so encouraged with the fact that God’s word is all he needs to become like Jesus. “I’m just going to keep on listening. I can tell God is helping me to understand!”
Hungry Hearts
Watch this video and hear from a married couple who are believers and growing like weeds. Pray for all the believers particularly in the area of application of the truths they are learning. Pray that their hearts would be sensitive to the ways that God wants them to put these truths to work in their everyday lives.
Last week we spent some hours talking about worship. In the Acts story it is described over and over but what is worship really? This was a very good, practical set of lessons that helped the believers to see worship from the perspective of God’s ownership of our lives. He owns us. We are bought with a price. So everything we do in our bodies must glorify him. It was great to walk through this simple truth with our brothers and sisters and watch the Word confront and encourage them.
Furlough 2022
We are looking forward to all that God has for this precious group of believers in the coming months and it pains us to think of leaving them in May next year when we go on furlough. We are looking forward to our time in the USA, reconnecting with family and friends and churches that have been supporting this ministry. We know that we’ll have much to learn as the familiar landscape of our home culture has changed so much since we were there last.
Pray with us as we look for a place to live and an affordable vehicle for our time at home. If the Lord brings something to your mind with regards to these needs please let us know. All of these details, and more, we place in the Father’s good hands and look forward to seeing how He provides.
Benjamin and Missy