Jonathan – tests results came back CLEAR!! When they removed the mole, they had gotten all the bad cells. Our hearts were so excited hearing this! We do have to take him back every three months for the first year to keep an eye on the other moles that he has. Thank you for praying!
We heard the results last Tuesday (sorry this is late!) and were excited to have all test and results behind us with all that Emily and Jonathan have had going on. We were finally looking ahead to all the end of school and church activities along with getting ready for Mexico. Then……Wednesday night Emily broke her pinky on her right (writing) hand playing basketball with the older youth group gang. So, Thursday we are off to the doctor (God was ahead in this as she already had one scheduled), Friday it’s x-rays and results. At 5:00 pm they call to say that it is definitely broken and also part of the growth plate so now we have to see a pediatric orthopedic surgeon to see if she needs surgery! It was a long weekend as we had to wait until Monday to make the appointment. Again God was at work and allowed us to get in Monday afternoon and she did NOT need surgery. Again our hearts were rejoicing. So she has a beautiful blue cast half way up her arm which will come off the day before we leave for Mexico
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