Plans are finally in place, flights are booked and packing has begun for our next trip to the Philippines!
We board our flight here in Birmingham, AL on October 16th! PRAY for preparations for a little more than 4 months overseas in these next few weeks.
In the months that have passed since we were last overseas, we have had the PRIVILEGE of visiting all of our supporting friends and churches, both in the Fall of 2011 and then again in the Spring of 2012! And what a BLESSING and ENCOURAGEMENT you all were to us! Your assurances that you were praying for us and would continue to give toward our support as we worked to finally see the KALANGUYA BIBLE in print were just what we needed and we thank you for your love for us and for the Lord’s work in faraway places!
What we hope to see accomplished in the next 4 months…….
- First, a “read through” of the book of JUDGES – already consultant-checked but some changes have been made since that check and Bob wants to read through the book with both the Ibaloi and Kalanguya translation teams, partly to confirm those changes and partly as a language refresher for Bob!
- Working in both the Kalanguya and Ibaloi languages, with their Translation Teams, Bob will do a consultant check for the OT books of NUMBERS, DEUTERONOMY, 1 & 11 CHRONICLES, EZEKIEL, ISAIAH AND SONGS OF SOLOMON.
- The Ibaloi team also has the books of NAHUM, JOEL, AMOS, ZECHARIAH, HOSEA and HABAKKUK ready for checking. These books are already completed in the Kalanguya language.
- A consultant check of the book of PHILIPPIANS and possibly COLOSSIANS for the Tala-Andig language translators.
- Bob wants to teach a seminar for the Kalanguya Bible teachers from the book of Daniel and show them how the prophecies of Daniel directly relate to the events of the book of Revelation. He wants them to see the important links between the Old and New Testaments!
This is admittedly an ambitious schedule for Bob and the Translation Teams! What does NOT get finished on location in the next few months can be continued by correspondence in our ongoing work with these Translation Teams in the Philippines even when we return to the US. We’ll appreciate your prayers for clarity of thinking, wisdom and good health in the months ahead! Pray for the TRANSLATION TEAMS we work with……..they are under pressure too during these checking sessions and will really appreciate knowing you are praying for them! Thank you for your prayers and your faithful support of this ministry!
Bob and Judy