Please put this date on your calendars – it’s the date we will be returning to the Philippines!
Greetings from Alabama! We have been off your radar screens for much of the summer. Thank you for your prayers in the interim since you last heard from us. These have been a rather uncertain months for us as we have tried to decide when was the best time for us to return to the Philippines. Bob was diagnosed with extreme varicose vein disease but after three “procedures” (as Bob likes to call them), he is doing very well! He will see the doctor a couple more times before we leave just to check and make sure all is healing well – and then he’ll be as good as new……..well, almost. “Procedures” don’t reverse years, I’m afraid! But taking all things into consideration, we are both doing well!
Emails from our Kalanguya co-workers in the Philippines indicate that all is proceeding well there also in terms of getting the Kalanguya Bible ready for printing and they are looking forward to our return! A translation check on Acts with the neighboring Ibaloi team was just completed – a 1st revision for the Ibaloi Team and a final read-through for the Kalanguya team! Bob is working on Colossians today at his office at the Grace School of Theology and informed me he wouldn’t be home tonight until it’s finished! He’s got a few more epistles to read in these next few weeks before our departure.
Praise the Lord for what has come in so far. To date, over $40,000 has come in from all 3 sources. While our projection is that we will need over $100,000 to do all that is needed in regard to the printing process, we rest in the Lord’s will for us and His direction to use wisely the funds that He does send us through you, His people. IF YOU CAN IN ANY WAY GIVE TOWARD OUR PROJECT, it will be most appreciated. Please LET OTHERS KNOW who you think might be interested in giving to the printing of a Bible, possibly even as a tax deduction for a business. You can still give in these three ways:
- GOFUNDME: You may give anonymously or leave us your name. Either way you will get a big thank you from us!
- Translation Project Webpage: The mission helps us with this avenue of fundraising as it reaches more people that we personally know and lets people know what is happening within the mission worldwide. It’s been very helpful for us.
- Translation Fund in Manila: Write your check to Ethnos360. Include a slip of paper that says “Kalanguya Translation: Philippine Field Fund”. Use this address: Ethnos360, 312 West First Street, Sanford, FL 32771-1231. Your gift will go through the mission’s Home Office, then sent directly to our Mission office in the Philippines.
Thank you so much for your love for the Lord and for reaching the lost, your financial support and for your prayers. Thank you for your continued and faithful participation in the ministry to the Kalanguya in the Philippines! We appreciate you more than you know! We promise to keep you well-informed over these next few months as we return to the Philippines to prepare the Kalanguya Bible for printing!
Pray for us – for good health, clear minds, and good fellowship with the Kalanguya believers!