Circa 1990 – Precious Believers Translation Consultant Check with Kalanguya and Ibaloi teams
The days and weeks have flown by since we returned from our last trip to the Philippines, landing on US soil on Dec. 19, 2018! Three months have gone by quickly and it’s time for our return to the Philippines to COMPLETE the work on the Kalanguya Bible and get it to the printer!
Departure Date – April 4………………………………Return Date June 25 |
During these 3 past months here in the US,……
……Bob and the Translation Team have continued the final check of the Kalanguya Scriptures through the technology of VIDEO CONFERENCING. With the time difference (13 hrs.) between us, the Kalanguya team has been online during the morning hours and Bob, during the evening hours (the night before). It has worked out well and they’ve been able to work thru Revelation, Gospel of John and now are in Luke, the last book to be checked! The Old Testament is completely finished and the New Testament has been undergoing a 2nd revision.
Funds for the printing of the Kalanguya Bible……..
…….have continued to come in and we are SO ENCOURAGED with how God has provided through His people! The total so far in the Translation Printing Fund is $83.000!! Over the years, both in big things and small things, God has demonstrated His faithfulness in providing what we need! The printing costs for the Kalanguya Bible seemed impossibly high to us……and yet God has, and continues to provide! We are grateful and thank our loving friends and supporters for how they’ve responded to God’s prompting in their hearts and minds to support this worthy project! You can still give – the number of Bibles we print will depend on how much we have on hand at the time of printing! Here’s how!
1. For giving using a credit card and to get a tax deductible receipt, go to the ETHNOS360 website:
2. The GoFundMe page on Facebook: 3. Send a check to the Mission, 312 W First Street, Sanford, FL 32771-1231. Write the check to New Tribes Mission or Ethnos360. Include a slip of paper that says “Kalanguya Translation: Philippine Field Fund”. Your gift will go through the mission’s office, then sent directly to our mission office in the Philippines. Philippines.
1) for a safe flight to and from the Philippines, 2) for health and strength for our days in the Philippines, especially for Bob and the Translation Team, 3) for opportunities to teach and fellowship with the Kalanguya believers, 4) that all the funds that we need for PRINTING will be on hand when they are needed (likely in early June).
Our next communication with you will be FROM THE PHILIPPINES!