Six Little Arms, Two Hands – A Tribute to Sundays at Church
We sit, well, I sit
You all cuddle and cleave
Your hair in my face
Your faces in my sleeve
I have two hands
That’s all, just two
Yet six arms are clinging
And make it hard to move
It’s the weight of your need
The need of your hearts
That you ask me to fill
Yet I can only fill parts
I feel your small hands
Grip my legs, press my back
I try to hold each one
To offer what you lack
You need love, I know
You need security’s touch
But I’ve only two hands
And that’s not so much
There’s not enough of me
To be enough for you
An elbow, a pinky
Will just have to do
What have I done
To deserve your trust?
Nothing at all
Yet love me, you must
I lose my patience
My anger comes quick
I try to do perfect
But there is no sure trick
I long for you
To do what I do not
I beg of you
To be what I am not
Do good; be good
Get it right all the time
Control your attitude
Guard your young mind
But, oh, I do not model
What I ask of you
Forgive me, children
I’m still learning too
There’s not enough of me
To be enough for you
My best effort at love
Will just have to do
And love you I do
More than you’ll ever know
You are part of me
From me you grow
But I cannot keep
The fears at bay
I cannot drive
The hurts away
I cannot keep
Your path pristine
I cannot erase
The things you’ve seen
I cannot hold
You safely sound
I cannot be
Forever around
But your six little arms
They grasp, they cling
So I raise my two hands
To my Everything
Ah…therein lies the Truth
I must point to Another
I cannot be everything
As your flesh-bound mother
My love has limits
Not by choice for sure
For I am but you
Plus thirty years more
So, listen, my children
Do not look to me
Rather look where I look
Look beyond and see:
It all starts with the Truth
The way it really is
You are trapped in sin
And you were born amiss
I won’t tell you you’re good
Indeed, you fall short
For it’s a lie, dear children
That you were well at the start
You were created – CREATED!
With overwhelming meaning
But apart from your Creator
You will be left leaning
On a world filled with lies
Where deceit has sown
A story so complex
It can never be known
In that lies the scheme
Of the shrewd Enemy
Seeking glory not his own
Mocking reality
But His ways are poor copies
Pathetic echoes of the One
Who set this world into motion
Who commands the rising sun
He, Who is holy, perfect
He, Who is wholly good
We are not, dear children
We act not as we should
Your six little arms
Are covered in rot
Like my two hands
It is filth we have sought
But, oh, sweet Truth!
It is not about us
We are but creatures
Formed from the dust
In Him we find purpose
In Him we find life
And despite our filth
He has given us light
The Light of the world
In the form of man
Became whom He sought
Suffered by man’s hand
He took our rot
Our filth, our deception
For it was not what he wanted
At the earth’s conception
But through his death
He offers life of peace
Through his suffering
He makes hurt to cease
And this is for us
For you and for me
If I don’t show you this
I have failed miserably
So I’ll say it once more
Your worth is in Him
Apart from your Maker
There is nothing within
Confess your wayward heart
Trust in His grace alone
Seek His face, not mine
Cling to Him made known
I am just not enough
For your six little arms
I have but two hands
I cannot keep you from harm
But, oh, to show you Him
This, my loftiest aim
To show you how we can
Rest in His lovely name
Indeed, my highest goal
Is to tell you what’s real
About your ailing souls
And the One who can heal
Your six little arms
Are so precious to me
But my two weak hands
Are not enough, you see
So with my two hands
I’ll raise your six to Him
For I am but you
Another thirty years in
Thirty more years
Of sin and trial
Thirty more years
Of deceit and denial
Thirty more years
Of truth and grace
Thirty years closer
To seeing His face
You can cling to me
I don’t mind a bit
But I’ll cling to Him
And together we’ll sit
Eyes down, hearts prone
Before the throne of Grace
Hands raised, souls ready
For His glory to face
Debby says
I immediately hit print so i can read this often. Powerful words beautifully written. Thank you so much for sharing with us all.
Those six little hands will praise His Name. You’re a wonderful mother and I’m blessed to call you friend.
Love from our corner of His world to the little corner He has placed you (& yours) in! Grace!
Shirley says
What an encouragement to us moms. You expressed your mama heart so perfectly and blessed us all. Thank you for sharing honestly.
Nicole says
Love love loved this! Thank you so much. Hugs, kisses, and prayers for you all. You are loved and missed.
Kay says
That is just so precious and so true. I love seeing your heart. I’m sure most mothers have felt that way at some time or other.
Mary Nagle says
Ruth Patton says
Loved this, Erika! Made me get teary. I am passing it on to my daughter-in-loves as they raise their little ones. Miss you!
Kathy Wagner says
Love this Erica!
Debi Gillan says
Wow, just wow. This is beautiful, Erica. Touches my heart for my loved and missed Lisa and her family. You have a gift for writing. Good words on the other side of the world, as well as here at home.
Love and prayers,
Debi Gillan
Kami says