Six Years and Not a Minute Too Soon
Six years. That’s how long it’s been since we left the Philippines for a short home assignment. Fully intending to return just a few months later, we packed up only a few necessities and hopped on a plane bound for the U.S. Little did we know, that would be last time we made that trip […]

First Trip of the Year!
As I am writing this, Maycie is baking a cake for a get-together tomorrow, the boys are out playing basketball in the dark, and Brian is packing and prepping for his first trip of the year. It’s a weird stage of life we are in…everybody doing their own thing…It takes some extra effort to make […]

Better Late Than Never!
Your Latest in Pruett News! Is four years too long since our last blog post? I’d love to say it was our tactic to get you to write to us personally. In truth, however, we just couldn’t keep up with it all. This is our attempt at getting back on track and providing you with […]
Meet the Pruetts
Welcome! We are the Pruetts and we are so glad you’re here! Let us introduce ourselves…
This is us…Brian and Bailey. We met in California where we, as little kids, attended the same church. Eventually, Brian grew up and left home for Moody Aviation in order to become a missionary pilot. Likewise, Bailey left home for Columbia International University, also with the goal of becoming a missionary one day.
As God would have it, He brought us together and we are so ...