Today marks the one year anniversary of when Brian started his helicopter training in Arizona. We left the Philippines for a short, 4-month home assignment in March of 2014, and it has felt a lot like the 3-hour tour that Gilligan and friends left on! It has not been what we expected, but it has been amazing to see God provide and work as we move forward in faith. Once we had committed to the helicopter training, we expected to complete everything and return to the Philippines at the end of October 2015. Well, that date has passed and we’re now looking at purchasing our plane tickets to return around January 1, 2016. We’ve seen many delays in this project but we have also seen God’s hand in it. While we are frustrated to be behind our schedule we recognize that it is only because God has a better plan than the one we originally started with. Now we can look back and remember all that we have enjoyed during our time here in the U.S. Take a look at our latest email update and thank God with us!
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