As I am writing this, Maycie is baking a cake for a get-together tomorrow, the boys are out playing basketball in the dark, and Brian is packing and prepping for his first trip of the year. It’s a weird stage of life we are in…everybody doing their own thing…It takes some extra effort to make sure we have plenty of togetherness too. And we do! We’ve been so thankful to have Brian home for a few months and now we’re excited again to send him off! Not because we enjoy him being gone but because we get to visit these places and these people that we love through his visits with them. We look forward to his stories when he comes home and get to bask in the knowledge that although we don’t always get to go, we are a part of it all.
But that’s not why I’m writing! I’m writing to, once again, ask you to pray. Brian is headed to Brazil tomorrow morning to meet up with our sole pilot, Bruno. Every six months Brian goes to spend some with him flying, giving Bruno some recurrent training. Even more than that, though, our prayer is always that Brian would be an encouragement and updraft to them who are faithfully serving on the front lines every day. Will you pray for that too? Prayers for safety and good weather would also be so appreciated!
I hope you feel just as much a part of it all as we do. Thanks for going with us in prayer!
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