Any task requires preparation. A few weeks ago, we put together an overnight camping trip with the youth at our church. Even though it was a short trip, it took many hours of preparation, with several people chipping in and helping gather the supplies, tents and food we needed. It was all worth it because we were able to spend the time with the young people, sharing God’s truth with them.

The length of time preparing for a task is often proportional to the importance of the task. It took longer to prepare to build the Panama canal than it does to dig a shallow ditch for a water line. You wouldn’t go on a trans-Atlantic sailing voyage without learning how to sail. Often the task requires special training as a part of the preparation.

In the same way, we have been preparing for the last several years for the task that God has given us. We know that it is God’s will for all believers to take His message to the entire world, and we have a specific desire to take God’s message to those who have not heard. In order to accomplish this goal, we have been taking advantage of the training opportunities God has set before us.
We still have a long road ahead of us, but it is exciting to be on this journey. We are so thankful for God’s faithfulness to us and allowing us this training so far, and for the training opportunities He has for us in the future.
We are also thankful that we are not on this journey alone! We are accompanied by YOU, our faithful supporters, friends, and family, who are enabling us to continue. God is using you to further His message, and we are excited and privileged to be a part of His plan.
-Cameron, Katy & Gracia