I can’t believe it, just one more week of classes! One week from today our class (pictured below) will be graduating from the Missionary Training Center! While some of our classmates are staying for additional linguistics training, some to work as staff temporarily and couple of guys (including Cameron) will be staying for one semester of Missionary Technology training, the rest are leaving. I’m dreading the good-byes, but excited to hear about how God uses our classmates as we go our ways.

I’ve been continuing to blog over at Purposely Frugal and in my attempt to be more vulnerable and open with people I’ve recently written two posts:
- Thankful for Hardship
- Ever Worry You’re Not Really Going to Heaven? – A struggle I had for many years, and how more recently I worry about other things, but I’m realizing it all stems from the same thing…me being focused on me.