It felt like as soon as we arrived in Texas, we hit the ground running…shots, a child getting a high fever after a shot, blood work, pulling a child out from under a table and holding said child down for blood work, looking for the best ticket options, emails, sorting, packing, homeschooling, eating at our favorite places here….okay maybe that one shouldn’t count. All that to say, when our church had family camp last weekend, it couldn’t have been better timing!!
As I sat in one of the meetings, hearing teaching, it dawned on me, it won’t be long before the preaching we’ll be hearing will be in French, and we’ll be doing good to pick out a few words. I told myself to soak it up.We learned about pursuing purpose, joy and holiness. My biggest take away was what my purpose is. It might be easy for me to say my purpose is to be a mom and missionary, and while that might sound good, it’s not really my purpose. My purpose is simply laid out in God’s Word, loud and clear. To love God with everything, and to love others (Matthew 22:37-40). If I’m a mom or missionary without love for God or others, I’m just blarring a lot of noise (1 Corinthians 13:1).
One of the things I was so looking forward to at camp was the music, and I wasn’t disappointed! We sang a lot of great songs including I’m Going Free (Jailbreak), which I’d never heard before, but I loved it so much when we got home I bought it off iTunes (thanks for the gift card Mom!). You see, I’m stocking up on music as we get ready to move to Senegal. I’ve found music can really boost my mood and when the words have truths from God, it encourages my soul…and I have a sneaking suspicion with all of the transitions ahead, I’m gonna need some encouragements.
We also enjoyed the time we had to spend with people. Some we knew, but got to know better and a few people were newer to the church and we hadn’t even met them before, so it was great to get to know them too. The kids made new friends and had a blast!