Christmas in the Casamance – Part 1
Christmas in the Casamance – Part 2
During our trip to the Casamance, there were times of getting out of comfort zones, both for us and the kids. However overall it was really encouraging to see our kids enjoying village life, and getting more excited to one day live in a village.
Their favorite part of the village were the 2 kittens there. The kids named them Fromage (cheese) and Choco.
Dirt, leaves and whatever could be found was used to construct castle.
Playing house….or maybe playing hut?
Diola, Wolof, French and English all represented here in this picture.
Tuesday we headed out…a little late as Stanislas (the 3 year old) wasn’t feeling good. But he felt good enough to make sure he had his oranges with him!
The kids ate some fish and rice for breakfast while we waited for transportation to take us to town, where all of us but Clementine would board the boat. Clementine had to get back sooner than us to make it in time for work, so she rode cars back.
Stanislas getting sick right before leaving, a long police stop on the road, paper work issues with 3 of the 4 kids….but somehow we managed to board the boat before it left port!
It was a much choppier ride coming back and most of us got nausea. Thankfully the kids can sleep practically anywhere!
We arrived safely in Dakar, then rode home..we were all exhausted.
And this concludes our Christmas in the Casamance Series! Please pray for the Diola people, as many, including our host dad’s parents, are still animistic.
Thank you, you all look wonderful in red! We will pray. Janice Myers from El Paso Bible church.
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I love the picture of you holding the little boy, Katy! 🙂 And I love your matching outfits!