3 years ago today, us four Pryors (one of which was just newly an official Pryor), set foot on the great continent of Africa. Never had we been to this side of the ocean. Our minds were full of curiosity, our hearts full of hope. 3 years later, looking back, so many stories to tell, so many friends made, so many more words floating around in our heads, so many more colors in our wardrobe. I don’t know where to begin, which stories to tell, which thoughts to share.
How about I just say this, God is our Rock. He’s helped us in sickness, He kept us safe in our travels (even that time the train we were on derailed). He’s helped us make big decisions. He’s been with us when it was hard. He’s given us the strength and energy to keep going. He’s forgiven us when we chose to dwell on discouragement instead of His Word. He’s been exactly what and who He said He’d be.
The more our life changes, the more tightly I cling to the fact that He is the one thing I can be assured has never and will never change, not in 3 years, not in 30, not ever. To Him and Him alone be the glory for being our strong and steady anchor.
Taken last Sunday with their new clothes.