Psalm 145:6 “I will proclaim your great deeds…”
In the two short months that we have been raising support, we have heard several times from friends and family, “It must be so hard to go around asking for money.” And it certainly can be a challenge if we don’t keep a couple of things in mind. Thankfully, God has changed our perspective on this aspect of missionary life as we have prayed and studied out a philosophy of biblical support raising.
Ultimately, we are asking and relying on God to meet our needs. We are all stewards of God’s resources, and God is in control. Therefore, He can and will move certain churches or individuals to support us, or He may move them to give to other things. Either way, God’s work is being advanced. We believe our responsibility is to simply invite individuals and churches to participate in what God is doing in Central Africa.
And we want to testify that God has done this exact thing on our behalf as we spent time in TX this past January.
Christian reached out to a pastor that he was connected to on social media. After speaking on the phone with Christian, the pastor arranged a meeting for us to share with the church’s giving team that same week. We gladly laid out what God is calling us to in Central Africa and God moved the church to commit to a generous monthly gift! All glory goes to God for continuing to put together a strong team to reach into the Central Africa region!