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These are exciting days for the Gilley family.
We are excited to announce that we have received our letter of “official” acceptance from Asia Pacific. Here is a brief excerpt from our acceptance letter:
“We are continually asking the Lord for more laborers to serve here in
this portion of His harvest field and we are thrilled each time we hear of
new servants coming in answer to those prayers. We will pray with you and
for you as the Lord continues to lead you in this direction.”
So, you may be asking yourself, “What does this mean?”
March-May: finishing up our final training in Missouri (Advanced Technical Course and Home School Coordinator training),
May-June: connecting with friends/family old and new traveling from east to west across the US sharing the vision that God has laid on our hearts for ministry in Asia Pacific(let us know if you would be interested in us stopping by).
July-April- stationed in Idaho and incorporates Craig working and additional travel
APRIL 2013- is our current potential date for leaving
A few days ago we asked Stella if she wanted to move to Asia Pacific and she said, “Yes, but I have to get my jacket.”
If only it could be that simple. Another portion of our acceptance letter said,
“The work here in Asia Pacific presents many imposing challenges
and yet is full of amazing opportunities too. We are certain that there
are many unique difficulties that you will face as you pursue this ministry.
Please keep us apprised of these things so we can pray with you regarding them.”
Although we praise the Lord to have field leadership that is praying for us in this process we know that it is going to take more than that. The task ahead is not simple, but we do want to have the faith of our sweet little girl. We are 100% confident that God has been preparing us our whole lives for being a part of God’s ministry in Asia Pacific and we are excited to share this with you.
We are excited too for the opportunity to join with you in what God is already doing. There are funds to raise, items to purchase, visas to apply for and obtain, tickets to buy, bags to pack, and even an apartment or house to live in and set up for June-April. The list is long and the tasks are “huge” but we know that we serve a God who promises to provide all of our needs. We would ask that you would prayerfully consider what your role in helping us “grab our jackets” might look like. Some options might include but are not limited to: monthly financial support, a one time or donation when funds allow, PRAY PRAY PRAY, send us care packages, cards, or even a phone call of encouragement, organize a fund raiser, connect us to your home church or other people that you think might be interested in partnering with us, play with our kids so we can pack our bags, purchase specific “projects” or items that will help in the ministry. This might include: technical equipment for Craig, visas, plane tickets, items for setting up our house overseas, equipment for homeschool coordinating, recording and video device for language learning purposes, …really the options are limitless!
I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers…
Philemon 1:4
We want to thank each of you for the part you are already playing in God’s ministry in Asia Pacific and in our lives. We look forward to the many ways we may work together in the future. We know that Jesus made it clear how important it is to “Go to the ends of the earth and preach the gospel….”. We are confident that this includes not only us but also YOU! We look forward to hearing from you soon! A new update video about our final semester here at the NTM missionary training center is being put together and we are excited to share it with you soon!