Hitting a moving target from a speeding train, that is how I can best describe the challenge that we face in our ministry with NTM. It is plain to see that we have a culture in North America that is constantly changing. The young lives and minds that are challenged out of their hometowns and churches to come and receive Biblical and missionary training represent a constant shift in thinking, preferences, strengths and weaknesses.
Meeting each one where they are and helping them in their growth with the Lord… at times is like hitting a moving target from a speeding train.
Here are some of the incredibly unique students from around the globe that God has brought our way…
Lagi (left) is a sophomore from Sudan and is currently studying the Prophets and Theology. As he studies and grows, he realizes that his family faces the challenges of a country that is caught up in struggle. The God he is learning so much about, is the same God that sustains those who are suffering at home. How might God use Lagi in those lives?
Sam is a senior from “Down Under”. While he hasn’t been able to get Aussie rules football to catch on here, he has truly caught on to who God is and what He desires in the lives of His children. As Sam heads back to Australia, he will face many transitions and new opportunities to trust God.
Lagi and Sam are two very different people, but with a common goal.
Our students have a heart to see their lives count for something.
Investing in these lives is an adventurous and sometimes arduous, because our ambition goes beyond investing in them personally; we are preparing them to invest in the lives of tribal people who are also incredibly unique, with a culture that is also constantly changing. We trust God in how to invest in such precious lives in a way that will truly encourage and strengthen.
There are also people beyond the world we see everyday.
What they have in common is a terrible destiny separated from God unless they hear the Good News.
Please keep us and them in your prayers!