- On St. Patrick’s Day, Lily accepted Jesus as her Savior!
- We sold our house and even received our asking price! Thank you for praying.
- Some of you might not think this is good news, but it really is for us. We found out a few weeks ago that Laura has chronic Lyme disease. More about that below.
- We are so happy that all the snow has melted away! It was a long and harsh winter in Spokane and it’s so nice to finally see the ground again.
- We enjoyed having one of our NTM Aviation co-workers from Asia-Pacific stay with us for 6 nights while he was in Spokane for training.
Happy with Lyme disease?
In our last update we shared with you the discouragement of my health and trying to find answers that always seemed out of reach. How do I trust God with my health and yet keep pursuing good health? It has been a very hard balance in my mind and heart. For 2 years we have known about a doctor in Idaho who can treat food allergies and other health issues, but we had never acted on it. Just recently, as my symptoms have been getting worse, someone at Moody mentioned to Dan that I should really check out this doctor and get tested in his office for Lyme. Lyme? We never even thought of that! The doctor is less than 1 hour from our house and the test was free, so we figured, why not? It was actually a relief when he said I had it because the health puzzle finally made sense!
This doctor doesn’t use conventional methods for treating people. He is a trained Chiropractor that uses muscle testing to diagnose people and uses a method called CBT to train the brain to heal the body. The best part is, he is a Christian and gives the credit to God for the methods he has developed. We personally know people who have been treated and healed by him and his waiting room has a huge binder full of thank you notes from people who got their health back because of him. This is still a big step of faith for us and yet we know, without a doubt, that God has orchestrated all of this. I wasn’t supposed to get in until August for my series of appointments, but a week after my diagnosis I got a call from the office saying they could fit me in the end of March!! That is truly a miracle and just another confirmation that God is making this happen- and not us trying to push for something.
We would love your prayers for these appointments!
- I have 1 appt on March 31st, 3 on April 3rd, and 2 on April 4th.
- Dan is going to be out of town from April 2nd-7th on a trip that was planned months ago.
- My mom is going to be able to come to Spokane to help with the kids!
- My body will go through a detox effect that could last for months as I get rid of the Lyme and co-viruses in my body and brain. I’m not looking forward to this part at all.
Thank you for praying for our family! We know so many of you have been praying for us and it really has been your prayers and God’s faithfulness that has kept us going. Thank you!
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