Dear Praying friends and family,
We GIVE THANKS to the Lord for His goodness and love! There is so much to say and GIVE THANKS for, where should we even begin?
The Embaloh Bible has been at the printer since last month! It has taken a whole month to get the down payment to printer’s bank account with all of the email back and forth to different people involved in the process. This week we heard from the printer that he has received it. The price for printing 1,000 Bibles has gone up from $9.69 per Bible to $11.51 since we received the initial quote several months ago. This does not include the shipping costs from Jakarta to our provincial capital and then by truck to Nanga Nyabau, 20 hours inland. Our funds have reached $11,732 with the gifts that came in this month. We are praising the Lord and GIVING THANKS for His wonderful provision for the Embaloh church.
Rina and James have seen the Lord’s marvelous provision for many, many of the things they’ve been trusting Him for their wedding next month! We are GIVING THANKS for everything including the tickets for their travel to and from Kalimantan. The Lord has been providing as He lays their needs on the hearts of His people! I also am GIVING THANKS for a major computer software break through! For the past year I’ve struggled to fix errors in our Semandang translation files in the Bible software program that we use. Last week the Lord brought insight into how to fix those errors. It came about unexpectedly when I wasn’t even looking at it but when I was in the process of preparing translation files to help a fellow translator in Asia-Pacific!

Praise the Lord we are THANKFUL for finishing 11 new Embaloh booklets that have been in process for the past year. Among them are Bible stories, medical and informative booklets, even some old Embaloh legends. Rina has done most of the work on these books. They will help increase fluency level and make the newly printed Bible easier for the Embaloh believers to read and understand.
We’re also GIVING THANKS for an Asia-Pacific family that we met when they began attending our church in Sheridan this summer. They reached out to us at the end of summer and asked me to teach biblical truths to their 6th grader. In September we began studying through the foundational Bible lessons. Aurora has been a joy to spend time with and is full of questions about spiritual things. Please pray with us for her and her family’s salvation.
Doug and Nancy have had a busy month in Thailand in meetings and Greg and Pam and the kids have been getting some medical issues taken care of as well as carrying out their normal ministry activities. Tracy and James continue to serve in their local church being a witness for the Lord to those they cross paths with. We will miss being with our family this holiday season, but we are very THANKFUL for our church family here in Sheridan.
Praise & Prayer Requests:
- Praise for God’s gift of salvation
- Pray for Aurora and her family’s salvation
- Praise for Greg’s successful surgery
- Pray for the Embaloh Bible being printed
- Pray for Rina and James as they prepare for their Dec 22nd wedding
Have a joyous THANKSGIVING,
Darcy, Ron and Nita Berglund

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