We just completed a Chronological Bible Teaching (CBT) workshop in the Philippines for New Tribes Mission’s Filipino missionaries which included church planters, trainers and future missionaries. I want to thank everyone who prayed for, encouraged me and gave financially so this workshop could happen!
Was it profitable? You bet! Here is an excerpt from letter I received from an attendee and a dear brother in Jesus
“Dear David…We were encouraged very much with your presence and thankful for the all things you’ve taught us in Bataan. We realized that we have a lot of things to learn especially with the presentation of the CBT. Thank you also for the money, books, DVDs that you gave…They are blessings to us.”
Jun Fabra-NTMPI CEO / Mission Services
What was the workshop all about? The Chronological Bible Teaching (CBT) or Building on Firm Foundations (BOFF). The BOFF is New Tribes Mission’s seven phase “pathway of discipleship” based upon Matthew 28:19-20, in which the Lord Jesus Christ gives this directive to “…go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…“
Many Christians tend to limit the scope of this mandate to evangelism by the words, “… make disciples…baptizing…” However the passage continues with, “… teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” This implies not only seeing people saved but includes discipling them to spiritual maturity in which they are obeying all that the Lord Jesus’ commands. Some evidences of this spiritual maturity will be: When they understand who they are, how they came to be, and why they exist as believers, when they treasure God’s Word as their final authority, when they are applying God’s Word to their everyday lives in practical and genuine ways in all their relationships motivated by a solid understanding of God’s grace and their position in Christ and when they are intentionally witnessing to the lost by their lives and words.
Bringing believers to maturity will require a long term commitment and divine help. The Lord has provided an example for us to follow for the fulfillment of His Mandate. It is the basis for New Tribes Mission’s Building on Firm Foundations. This seven phase program is designed in harmony with the way God revealed Himself to Man beginning in Genesis until the book of Revelations. Here is a brief overview.
- Phase One is primarily for unbelievers and is an overview of Genesis to Christ’s ascension emphasizing the person and work of God, the Father, the person and work of Satan, the “lostness” of man and the person and work of Jesus Christ for salvation.
- Phase Two is a brief overview again of Genesis to Christ’s ascension highlighting the security of the new believers in Christ along with some altered themes in preparation for teaching the Book of Acts.
- Phase Three is a brief synopsis of the Book of Acts for new believers, majoring on the development and example of the New Testament churches and the spread of Christianity in the first century.
- Phase Four is a summary of the remainder of the Books of the New Testament with the focus being to establish new believers in the knowledge of their position in Christ, their walk with Christ, and their function as a local church.
- Phase Five is for maturing believers. It is an overview of Genesis to the ascension, emphasizing God’s methods of sanctifying and maturing his children.
- Phase Six is also for maturing believers and is a detailed exposition of the Book of Acts.
- Phase Seven is a detailed exposition of the remainder of the New Testament. By the completion of Phase Seven the believers will have covered almost the entire Bible in detail two times.
Bringing believers to maturity is no small task however we are confident in the Lord Jesus’ authorization to “Go and make disciples…” We find direction in His objective to have His people “…observe all things…” He commanded. Finally, we are grateful for His Word which, when taught foundationally through the seven phases, moves the believers from infancy to spiritual maturation. The outcome of this strategy is mature believers evidencing the life and character of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Building on Firm Foundations method requires a long term commitment however New Tribes Mission has found it provides believers the best fertile ground for serious growth and development of their spiritual lives!