Ups And Downs
Monday started out a little rough. It was a cold and cloudy morning and when we got to the teaching area it looked like only 2 or 3 people were going to show. So we waited a while and people started straggling in little by little. We ended up with about 25 adults. In fact we have been pleased that this same group has been coming EVERY day. We have been seeing new people coming off and on. Some that we never expected to see. Wednesday there were well over 50 adults there. But we are excited about this group of 25 adults that are coming every day. Over the last 3 weeks of teaching they have heard a LOT of foundational teaching which they are understanding clearly. Many have been trying to get others to come.
Even out here in the bush many people have heard some of the main Old Testament stories but they don’t know their significance. Many times we have heard people say that they don’t understand those stories. But those who are attending the daily teaching are understanding the stories and the personal application. They have seen that there were a few who believed in God and came to Him according to His Word and God accepted them. But there were many who did not believe in God who rejected God’s Word. They obeyed the rule of Satan instead of God. They received God’s judgement. In Noah’s time they were shut outside of the ark. Only those who believed God’s Word and entered through the single door were saved. Because of this they realize the importance of hearing and believing God’s Word. Many are showing real concern for friends and relatives who refuse to come.
We have been recording the teaching each day. At first we wondered if it was really worth the trouble. But we have seen a growing interest in the tapes. Some who are coming just want to hear certain lessons again. Some have borrowed tapes to hear sessions that they missed. One village leader at a village a few hours hike away has been hearing people talk about the clear teaching of God’s Word in the Simbari language and wants to hear. He can’t come regularly so he has said he will start listening to all the teaching on the cassettes. He borrowed the first two tapes the other day. Another fellow just got the last two tapes and said he wants to play them for friends and relatives this weekend and will be encouraging them to come to the teaching on Monday. We have also ordered some hand-crank cassette players that don’t require batteries so we can lend them out with the tapes for those who don’t have cassette players. Pray that they will get here as soon as possible.
In Him,
David and Shari Ogg
(Esther, Simon, Rachel and Jason)
Praise and Prayer:
- Praise for the group of 25 adults who are coming every day to the teaching.
- Praise that those coming are making personal application of the truths they are hearing.
- Pray for more to come each day and for them to take the message personally.
- Pray that those who have been urged to come hear God’s Word by friends or relatives would indeed come.
- Pray for strength for us all (David -Teaching daily/translating, Shari – Literacy/homeschooling etc.) 6. Pray that the hand-crank cassette players that we have ordered would get here quickly.
This Week’s Teaching Highlights:
- The descendants of Cain refused to listen to God’s Word and not knowing the truth they were following the way of Satan. Don’t be like them.
- Back in the garden God had promised to send a deliverer, He always does what he says. Seth was given to take Abels place. Seth believed God.
- When Seth’s son Enos came along people began to call on God again.
- Adam died. They were seperated from God and the tree of life and died. We all die because we decend from Adam.
- One from the line of Seth, Enoch, walked with God and God took him to heaven while he was still alive.
- The earth’s population had grown large and were taken up with material things and getting women.
- God is angered by sin and His Spirit strives to convict man of their need for God. Satan strives to convince man otherwise.
- The wickedness had gotten worse and worse until it was very bad. (not unlike today) God sees it all.
- God decided to judge the evil but had mercy on Noah. Noah believed God and came to Him according to His Word.
- God gives instructions to Noah. Noah obeyed God’s Word. Noah taught the people what God had said.
- God loves man and didn’t want them to be destroyed. His spirit was trying to warn people, He waited for 120 years but they refused to listen. Even now He is trying to warn people, but the chance to heed his warning will one day pass.
- Noah’s family entered the ark through the one door. God shut them safely inside. To keep them safe but also to keep the others out.
- Those outside the ark were destroyed. Only those who entered in through the one door were safe-not one of them died.
- God accepted Noah’s sacrifice because they believed God and came God’s way with shed blood.
- Man again followed the way of Satan and wanted to exalt themselves, rejecting God’s Word. At the tower of Babel they were judged. The different languages and countries of the world come from the judgement at Babel.
- Abraham obeyed God’s Word and left his home at God’s leading. God gave him promises.(not because of his good deeds-he was a sinful decendant of Adam) The Deliverer would be a decendant of his.