Wet Week
The teaching got rained out all this week. We’ve had 6½ inches of rain since Monday just to give you an idea. We trust the One who sends the rain. Our schedule was obviously different than His and so we will try again on Monday. With the people stuck in their houses due to the rain there was an increase of interest to listen to the lessons on tape. Most of our hand-crank cassette players are checked out with bunches of tapes. They have heard so much teaching lately that we don’t mind that they take a little time to let it sink in and for those who are re-listening to the lessons it can only help them to better understand the message. We are praying for those who are under conviction from the Spirit of God, that they would be eager to hear the rest of the teaching. This next week we plan to teach Monday through Wednesday, weather permitting.
Translation Ready For Next Phase Of Teaching
Many have been wondering what happens after we present the Gospel soon. We are hoping that some will express faith in the finished work of Christ for salvation. After a little break in teaching we will start our next phase of teaching but it will no longer be out in the center of the village. Instead it will be in a house and probably once or twice a week. The 2nd phase of teaching will be a shorter review of many of the same lessons that we have already taught but with more teaching geared towards a believer. The 3rd phase of teaching starts in the book of Acts so they can learn from the growth of the first church. Lately I have been working on getting the Scripture portions translated for the next phase of teaching and I just finished those on Friday. Now, in the weeks ahead I will be working to finish the book of Mark which is approximately half done.
Sunday Medivac
On Sunday, Shari was called on to check a lady who was in labor. The cord had come out but no baby. Shari examined her and could not detect a heartbeat and it appeared she was not going to give birth naturally so after consulting our doctor on the radio we decided to get her out to the hospital. While we were waiting for the airplane the baby’s hand came out. Our guys at NTMA (NTM Aviation) got the plane in the air in a very short time and were able to pick her up and fly her out to the hospital in Goroka. The next day we were told that the baby’s cord had been severed (probably before she got to the hospital) and the baby had died. They had to do a c-section to remove the baby but the mother probably would have died if we could not have gotten her out. Pray that this sad loss would draw the family to God and His love.
In Him,
David and Shari Ogg
(Esther, Simon, Rachel and Jason)
Praise and Prayer:
- Pray for good weather in the mornings for teaching next week.
- Pray that the family involved in the medivac would want to hear of the One who conquered death.
- Pray for Shari as she prepares to take her final language test in less than 2 weeks. And for Lori who will be taking her 3rd language test.