Airstrip Work Team Making Progress
Last week a team of 8 from Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita, California arrived and have been helping us with airstrip repairs. So far we have had pretty good weather although there were a couple days where rain made us quit early in the afternoon. The “quarry” where we get the clay from is up a little road from the airstrip and after just a little rain the tractor can no longer make it up the hill (even with 4-wheel drive and Simbaris pushing).
After getting the clay from the “quarry” we bring it down and spread it out and pack it down the middle of the airstrip. We can do about 8 loads an hour and are averaging about 100 ft. per day (give or take). There is a little competition between the loaders and off-loaders. The loaders can fill the trailer in 1.5 minutes and the off-loaders are always trying to get a quicker time. The Simbaris are really encouraged by the fast progress and everyone is enjoying the work.
Evangelism and Literacy
We had a meeting this week with the believers to talk about when we should start a new evangelism class with the unbelievers. We agreed that it wouldn’t be good until after the airstrip work is complete since everyone is already putting in long days of work but about 2 weeks after the work team leaves we will start teaching a new group of unbelievers. We will start another literacy class at the same time. It was a real encouragement to meet side by side with our believers and make these plans to spread the Gospel to others in the tribe. Right now everybody is real happy about our team working to help them with the airstrip and the believers are taking advantage by inviting people to the Bible teaching soon to start.
Please Pray
- For very good weather so we can get in full days of work.
- Health and strength for the team.
- Safety for the project. Pray for no injuries.
- For God to touch the hearts of unbelieving Simbaris so they would come to the Bible teaching.
By His Grace,
David & Shari Ogg
(Esther, Simon, Rachel & Jason too)