Back in January a friend’s drone captured some aerial shots of our tribe. In the above photo is our airstrip with the mission plane on the ground in front of our bush house and the tribal church building just across from the plane.
At this stage, with the church becoming more mature we don’t live in the tribe all the time anymore. We are itinerant now which offers the church opportunities to grow through leaning more on the direction of the Spirit of God and His Word. As a result some young men began teacher training recently but instead of David being the trainer, other Simbari Bible teachers are the trainers. We have been encouraging them in this direction for a while and it is encouraging to see both the trainers and trainees stepping out in faith and in the strength of the Spirit in their new roles. I’m sure they would appreciate your prayers.
David has been continuing to make good progress on the preliminary drafts of the New Testament. Having completed Hebrews, James, and 1-2 Peter, we are now at 98% drafted! When we reach 100% it doesn’t mean that the New Testament is all complete. This percentage is on the preliminary draft not the final draft. There will still be a lot more proofing and checking to turn the prelim draft into final draft. But it is indeed a big step toward completion.
We have another itinerant visit to the tribe in the upcoming weeks. Please pray for an encouraging and productive time with the Simbari “men and women of Jesus.”