Bible Verses for the week
- 2 Cor 2:14 Our lives are a Christ-Like fragrance
- 2 Cor 3:2 Your lives are a letter written in our hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our good work among you.
- 2 Cor 4:6-7 Your lives are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure (the glory of God)
- 2 Cor 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.
Dear faithful ministry partners,
Thank you for your faithful prayer on our behalf this past week. We continue to battle COVID and covid restrictions throughout the country. It hit closer to home this week, as some of our friends in the community have come down with covid, as well as one of our staff families. Thank you ahead of time for lifting them up in prayer.
We were able to see one of our orientee families off this week, so we are down to just one. The final family should depart here on Thursday. Now it’s time to rebuild… both the curriculum, as well as the maintenance on the houses. See my news column for more details. Once all the students have departed, we have a lot of work to do to get ready for the next class. More about that in the “News” section.
Here are some things you can be praying with us about this week:
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the spread of covid throughtout PNG. The cases continue to rise, and there are a lot of people sick in many of our remote locations. Travel is still quite restricted.
- Pray for us in this “down time” that we will be able to get the course well organized. Pray for wisdom for what to change/update.
- Please pray for the one of the families from our first class. They are having to head back to the US earlier than expected due to potential complications with her pregnancy. Pray for safe travels, and for a safe healthy remainder of her pregnancy.
- Continue to pray God will raise up ministry partners for the families on their way. 3 of the 5 families are still in need of support
- We would appreciate you all continuing to pray for our kids also.
- Hannah and Noah are researching the possibility of going with Christar to work with refugees. They shared some encouraging things this past week.
- Andrew and Emily are still wanting to come back to PNG to work with our school. They’d really like to come visit. But, PNG is not processing visitor visas yet. Pray that will open up.
- Caleb is praying about doing an internship with Ethnos360 Bible Institute next year. Pray that when he applies in January, he will be accepted.
Our big project this week is going through all the houses and making sure they have a standard set of kitchen necessities. We want to go through and replace broken and damaged things, as well as try and make things match.
As we went around and looks at the dishes that are in each house, Robin and I had to laugh. We found 3-4 plates from a set in one house, 2-3 in another house, 1-2 in another house, etc. We have concluded we need to just collect everything out of all the houses, and re-sort it all. Dishes, cups, even silverware is all the same story.
We will also be evaluating the condition of things in each house. The termites are doing a number on these houses, and the furniture too. We need to evaluate what can be fixed, and what just needs to be replaced.
We have 12 dwellings that we need to do this for. So, along with revising the curriculum, we will be working on one house a week, trying to get it more up to speed before the next group arrives in January.
We praise the Lord that we do not have to do all this alone though. The Willett family has decided to stay on for a bit longer. Unfortunately their plans for a Church Planting team fell through, so they are trusting the Lord to find “new” partners. But, what that means for us is that they will remain here to help us with all of these projects. We praise the Lord for them! They have been such a HUGE blessing.
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