Bible Reading
John 1
2 Corinthians 10
Devotional Thoughts
I always enjoy the beginning of the gospel of John. Every time I read it I am reminded of Jesus’ example to us in why he came. He came to embody the message of God. The word of God that was written and verbally proclaimed all throughout history. God was now putting flesh and bone on that message, showing the world what He meant when He said, “I love you!”, through the person of Jesus.
That was what Israel was supposed to be and to do. When he chose Israel, it was so that, as His chosen people, the way they lived, and the way they interacted with the nations around them, would proclaim what God is like. Unfortunately they failed. John 1:10 describes that failure, “He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know Him.”
Romans 1:19-20 talks about creation being the display of God. “He made the world, and through creation, what can be known about God is plain, his attributes, his eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen. So they are without excuse.” While it’s true creation displays God’s power and nature, it’s enough knowledge of God to condemn them, but it’s not enough to lead someone to faith. Romans 10:14 tells us, “How will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching / telling them?
Israel was the original messenger. But instead of telling a message of hope to a lost world, they hoarded God’s Word, and became proud and elitist with the knowledge of God. So, God sent His own Son to be his message in person. Instead of being proud, he emptied himself of His divinity and chose to take on human form. (Phil 2:6-8) He was born as a baby, God Himself wearing diapers, and helpless to even feed himself.
John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. Jesus came to make the unseen God seen, the invisible attributes of God (Rom 1:20) clearly visible, the unknown God known (John 1:18).
As “little Christs,” which is what “Christian” means, we should desire to do the same. Everything we say, everything we do, we should have the goal of displaying and revealing God to those who witness our lives. That is how Jesus lived his life. (John 14:9) That is how we should seek to live ours also. (1 Cor 10:31, Phil 1:21)
- I have been created in the image of God. God’s purpose in creating me, and saving me, is that my life will display what He is like. Making God, who is invisible, visible. Making the unknown God, known! So that what was unseen, is clearly seen through me.
- I have been given the incredible privilege of having the knowledge of God. It’s through that knowledge that I have been given God’s very nature (2 Peter 1:4) I don’t want to squander that like Israel did.
- I choose today, in every way I can, to make God known to those who witness my life. God, reveals the things I do and say that does not and lead me to do and say only the things that do.
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