Bible Reading
- Psalm 107
Devotional Thoughts
In the movie U571, Matthew McConaughey is a rookie CO on a submarine. He is forced into making some tough choices for the sake of his crew and the task they are given to do. The decision costs the life of one of his sailors, but enables them to accomplish their task. When the stress of the conflict is over, his senior chief, who had reprimanded him earlier for being too timid, and not being the leader the men needed, says to him, with great respect and confidence, “Well, Mister Tyler, if you ever need a chief, I’ll go to sea with you anytime.”
Do we live with that kind of respect and confidence when it comes to God? Why is it that we question what God is doing? If men in combat can grow to respect and unquestionably follow their leaders, even to death, why do we not do that with God?
The final words of Psalm 107 “Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the Lord.” God loves us much more than any earthly leader. He has more power and authority than any earthly leader too, no matter who the leader is. So, why don’t we unquestionably trust and follow him?
Three times in this Psalm the author says, “Let them thank Him for His steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man.” (v15, 21, 31) Each time, it’s a response to God’s display of love for his children.
- (v14) He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and burst their bonds apart
- (v20) He delivered them from their destruction
- (v29-30) He made the storm be still… hushed the waves… He brought them to their desired haven.
I know the Psalmist is referring to military victories for the people of Israel, but I think we can apply these things to our spiritual life!
- He has delivered us from darkness, and from the shadow of death (Matt 4:16; Luke 1:79)
- He has burst our bonds of sin and self (Rom 6:6)
- He has delivered us from destruction (Eph 2:1, 5-7)
And, if we let him, he can calm any storm, hush any waves, and bring us to a place of rest and peace… when we trust Him! (Phil 4:6-7) Just like hannah Whithall Smith said in “The God of All Comfort”;
The Shepherd knows what pastures are best for His sheep, and they must not question or doubt, but must trustingly follow Him. Perhaps He sees that the best pastures for some or us are found in the midst of opposition or of early trials. If He leads you there, you may be sure they are green pastures for you, and that you will grow to be strong by feeding in them.”
How well do you trust your commanding officer? Will you follow him, even if it means going to your death? What will it take in your life for you to unquestionably follow your commander and chief… and I am not talking about the US president!
Declarations of Truth
- There is nothing my God cannot do… He knows the outcome before it even starts! I can trust Him, in EVERY circumstance!
- Freedom from anxiety, and peaceful rest is a choice. The choice is, do I believe the lie, or do I camp out on, stake my life upon the truth? When we know the truth, and we abide in the truth, the truth will set you free.
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