Part of the missionary life is making the most use of our time. We have windows of time to accomplish a lot. Now that we are going back to Papua New Guinea, we realize our window of time in the US is diminishing quite quickly! So we are trying to make the most of seeing all our friends and family!
We have done a host of things this home assignment and we are making memories for our kids and family. We still have a few more things to stratch off our list and hoping we can squeeze it all in before we leave!
In between all these activities, we press on toward finishing home school this year!
Some of the last things we want to accomplish while here are: soccer season (which I am a coach this year), lots of fishing (the girls love to catch and eat), VBS at our church, Centrikid, lots of visiting with our family and friends, and maybe throw in a theme park visit.
We are blessed to live by a lot of natural beauty here in Tennessee, so we hope to make time for all the walks, hikes, waterfalls, and over looks that are nearby!