Thank you your continued prayers for Abar and Liberty and their two small children, Nelson and Elsia as they prepare to go out as the first Mwinika missionaries to another village. This village also have people from two other people groups so it will truly be a cross-cultural experience for Abar. He will set out soon to scout for a place to live. As soon as he moved his family to Alana’s village, he will start teaching Literacy classes. Later he will also teach the first cycle chronological Bible teaching in this village. We continue to be encouraged by Abar’s spiritual maturity and deep sense of calling.
Pray for prepared and receptive hearts, because although we were invited, there are some hostility among the different religious groups there. Pray for a nice place to stay (there is none yet) and everything that Abar and his family needs, not only physically, but in every way. Pray that they soon will form deep and lasting friendships. Pray too for their protection! And lastly, please pray for the young Mwinika church as they send out their first missionaries. In many senses they still have no clue what this means. May this also strengthen their faith as they see the Lord providing for Abar and his family!