You don’t want to deny your kids opportunities, right?
That’s why it troubled me so much to have to tell my youngest daughter we couldn’t help her.
After a disastrous first year of college, she had to appeal to re-enroll this semester. Now she’s getting straight As. But Sunday she told us she needed $1,162 to pay college bills today, or she cannot return next semester.
Well, Julie and I have been working for years just to pay off bills from when our oldest daughter was seriously ill. Even with $24,000 in annual income, we’ve made progress on that for five years. But the last two months we went backwards, piling up more bills, mostly because our ministry costs have increased 400 percent in the last three years. We had to tell Brynna we couldn’t help.
But that ate at me Monday. It bothered me Tuesday. It irritated me Wednesday. I never want to deny my kids an opportunity because we’re in ministry.
And I didn’t want to tell you about it because I don’t want people giving to us to meet our needs. I believe people should give to God through our ministry to glorify His name.
But Wednesday I realized we can help her … if Julie and I take a step of faith.
In order to pay my daughter’s college bills, I’m taking an advance from next month’s check. I’m giving her the money that has come in for next month. I’m putting myself in a position where I am completely reliant on God’s care and provision, because we have almost no money now and nothing in the pipeline for next month. In fact, at this point, if nothing further comes in, we’ll owe NTM more than $400.
Still, I wasn’t going to tell you. I’m only telling you now because later Wednesday I realized this is an opportunity for you to take part in glorifying God.
You see, Brynna struggles with the idea of following a God whom, she believes, does not keep His promises. She doesn’t think God’s providing for us if we’re always struggling to stay above the line where we’re paying off debt instead of wracking more up.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could change her view of God?
I know I can trust Him to take care of us. And I am so very much hoping that God is going to stun my daughter into His arms with the abundance of His care and provision. You can be part of that by praying and giving, and by sharing this opportunity with others.
Please take this opportunity to glorify God. Find out how you can give to our ministry, online or by mail or phone >>
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