Julie and I thank you and God for helping us take the first step in the right direction.
Our support has increased, and we now can keep from running a deficit by holding ministry expenses and personal expenses to a minimum. This means we’re no longer at risk of having to leave our ministry. That’s huge! I don’t think we can thank you enough.
It is, however, the first step. We can’t carry out our ministry on our current support. Increased travel, photo and video mean we should be spending 20 times what we spent eight years ago. Due to finances, we’ve cancelled four trips this year.
So please keep praying as we continue to talk with potential ministry partners.
Pray that God prepares people to give, and leads us to the people He desires to bless by being involved in our ministry.
Pray that our attitude mirrors Paul’s in Philippians 4:17: “Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account.”
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