“I believe there is only one God,” Salim told missionaries Francois and Nadia Hattingh. “He is the Creator of heaven and earth. I believe that He sent his only Son, Jesus, to pay the price for my sin. He saved me! He is the Redeemer. He is my Redeemer.
“Now, I am not afraid of death anymore. Sure, I am afraid of the pain of sickness and what that can do to this body of mine, but this is only temporary. Now I know where I am going when I die. I know the footpath to God. I know I will be with Him one day! I am going to Heaven!
“There are only two footpaths in this life: one goes to God and one goes to the eternal fire. I have found the right path, the one that leads to God! I am saved!
“Thank you so much for coming to tell us this. I did not know the right way. Now I know! I am saved!”
If you think about it a minute, he’s also thanking you. You help make our ministry possible, and we help make the Hattinghs’ ministry possible. You are helping people like Salim around the world find the right footpath, so they too can say, “Now I know! I am saved!”
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