I sometimes wonder why I put up with the hardships of serving as a missionary.
But not for long.
It’s inspiring for me – and I hope for you as well – to be part of reaching tribes and transforming lives. To help hasten the day when people from every tongue, tribe and nation have the opportunity not only to be disciples of Christ, but to make disciples. To bring an end to hundreds of years of darkness that men, women and children have lived in … and died in.
This week Julie and I have been talking with the men and women who represent New Tribes Mission in the USA and Canada, hearing their thoughts and getting their input on what we can do to better serve them, and therefore do a better job of raising up the next generation of missionaries – the generation that may very well complete the task that God has set before us all, making disciples of every people group.
So what if our car had difficulty making it here? (It’s fixed, but still should be replaced; the mechanic found more issues that are going to need to be addressed.) So what if it’s a lot colder here in Pennsylvania than in Florida? (I know, I know, it’s not even really cold here yet. Humor this Florida resident, OK?) So what if we have some serious financial challenges?
Julie and I get the blessing of being right in the midst of what God is doing worldwide, and spending time with co-workers we don’t get to see much – and who don’t often get many opportunities to be with others committed to what God is doing among tribal people – is inspiring.
Thanks for being here with us through your prayers, gifts and encouragement. We leave here Saturday for the trip home; please again pray for a good, safe drive home.
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