Wow, what a haul! Take a gander at what Julie and I got this Christmas season:
- The opportunity to help more than local 100 needy teenagers have Christmas presents, through our church here, Covenant Community Church.
- The ability to provide (so far) the equivalent of meals for a week for eleven needy families in Nicaragua, through my book sales and a partnership with Rice & Beans Foundation.
- The blessing of being part of a team that is bringing aid to thousands of typhoon victims in the Philippines who were otherwise getting no help, through our ministry in New Tribes Mission.
All those things – and a whole lot more – were possible because people like you take part in our ministry.
So the gifts Julie and I have shared with others are gifts that bless us, and bless you through our ministry, so they’re our gifts to you, who have blessed us.
Best not to try too hard to make sense of that. Just smile and nod, and remember:
- You’re part of amazing things, and
- We appreciate you.
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