Just up the road a bit, crews work feverishly to get ready for the Coke Zero 400 at Daytona International Speedway.
On July 2, the drivers will come to the starting lineup, look out over their logo-bedecked hoods and think, “I could go so much faster if I didn’t have a thousand pounds of sponsor logos plastered all over the car.”
No, actually, they won’t. Sponsors are vital to every aspect of the racing team. Without funding, the race can’t go on.
And what do they get in return? A logo slapped on the car.
The value for sponsors
Julie and I will be leaving on a trip to the Midwest just a few days after the Coke Zero 400. I suppose that if you’d like to sponsor our trip, I could put your logo on our minivan. But did you know that God says people who sponsor missionaries get far better benefits?
John was referring to missionaries when he wrote, we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers with the truth (3 John 8). In God’s eyes, sponsoring our ministry makes you a partner in our ministry.
And Paul, having received a generous gift from the Philippian church, told them it really wasn’t about the gift, but the giver: Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. (Philippians 4:17)
The Bible says much about the partnership that is necessary to make disciples of all nations. Since thousands of people groups have yet to receive that opportunity, those passages are still relevant today.
Coming to the starting line
For nearly 75 years New Tribes Mission has been at work to establish churches among unreached people groups. Julie and I have had the privilege to be part of that for nearly 18 years, and we couldn’t do it without our sponsors – men and women like you who partner in our ministry.
Today, NTM is launching into new ventures and partnerships that will equip thousands more to serve God, and Julie and I have the opportunity to help make that happen through our ministry. Communicating the reality of the needs and the possibilities of partnerships are central to making a strategic advance for the Kingdom.
The great thing is, I am doing some of my best work ever. And I have a very good idea how to keep doing that. I understand myself, and my relationship with the Creator, well enough to pursue excellence in my ministry.
Fuel in the tank
So Julie and I are making this trip both to refuel personally and to give more people opportunities to sponsor our ministry. Both these are vital to our ability to continue in ministry.
And I’m counting on you – our team – to sponsor our trip, in one or more of these ways:
Prayer sponsors: We’d value your prayers or our trip. If you want to pray for us each day, please let me know and I’ll send you the prayer guide I’ve put together.
Trip sponsors: The costs of this trip are beyond the means of our regular budget, so special gifts for this trip would be appreciated. You can make a gift online. Or go to that same page and scroll down for information on giving by phone or mail.
Ministry sponsors: You can help sustain our ministry by sponsoring us monthly. You can give online, and, if you’d like, can set up a recurring gift. Or use that same link and scroll down for information on giving by electronic funds transfer, phone or mail. You could also contact us if you want more information.
Encouragement sponsors: We would love to sit down with you and others and talk about our ministry and your lives, and how we can encourage and help each other. If you’re in the Chicago region (northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin, northeastern Indiana), or know someone in that area who might appreciate this opportunity, please let us know.
One last thing
We are a very small team. Each person on this team is important. You are important to us and to our ministry. Please make time – right now if possible – to pray through your sponsorship options, and then respond as God leads.
Ian and Julie
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