Il vit! Il vit! Je sais que mon Rédempteur vit!
Easter morning service in West Africa was amazing. Like the chorus from the song above, it was all in French. (That means, by the way, “He lives! He lives! I know that my Redeemer lives!” And the tune was nothing like the old American hymn with a similar chorus.)
Now, I know a little French, and from that and the context I was able to figure out some whole sentences – like that chorus. At other times, I had no idea what was being said. OK, most of the time, I had no idea what was being said. (My pastor may be thinking at this point, “So what’s new?”)
But it was also thrilling and fun. Since they had the words on a screen, and I knew (mostly) how to pronounce them, I was able to sing along. On the chorus. About the third time through. Except when they really got rolling. I am not sure my brain can process English at that pace.
Mostly, however, it was great to be among African believers, knowing that because of the price Jesus paid for each of us, we are brothers and sisters in Him – and it was all the more special to be able to celebrate Easter with them.
Joyeuses Pâques! Or, happy Easter!
Please continue to pray for our trip. We’ve had some good interviews so far, and gotten some great photos, and we’re expecting a lot more this coming week.
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