This weekend I leave for more than three weeks in Africa.
And as I said before, I’ll be taking on a different role on this trip: photography and video.
I’ve taken photos and captured video of our organization’s work before. For instance, I gathered the story and photos when I went to Thailand a year and a half ago, resulting in this article: https://ethnos360.org/magazine/stories/it-can-be-done
And this video: https://ethnos360.org/mission-videos-and-mission-photos/transformed-the-difference-god-makes
But this will be the first time I’m going solely to get photos and video. Writing is someone else’s job this trip.
In one way, that’s a lot easier than trying to do story and photos and video. But it also means the pressure is on to produce quality photos and video. So please pray for me.

Also, the schedule is pretty full. Among other things, we’ll be at three different African churches and will visit three different parts of Tanzania. I should have plenty of opportunities, if I can stand up to the schedule, the heat and the humidity. It’s also going to be taxing for my pair of eight-year-old camera bodies; pray they hold up as well.
You can also thank God with us that the need for $100 for this trip was met. We’ll actually end up spending close to $600 of our own money on this trip – that’s pretty typical when I make an overseas trip. Our budget can’t handle that, but somehow, God always does. It’s like He’s limitless in knowledge and power or something.
It’s because of Him that I mentioned the $100 need to you. God gives us opportunities to take part in His work because He desires to bless us, encourage us and grow us, and it was in that spirit that I presented the need. I, in turn, am encouraged that someone took advantage of the opportunity.
And speaking of good news, the wrinkles in our process that I was talking about have been ironed out. Thank you so much for praying. We’re still seeking clarity in one more area, and it’s a biggie, but I think we’re well on our way to getting that.
Thank you for the important role you play in our ministry!
Ian and Julie

Please pray daily for my trip to Africa. For stamina, creativity and equipment, but also that I’ll be a blessing and encouragement to those we meet. Use the contact page to drop me a note if you’d like a copy of our schedule to inform your prayers: https://blogs.ethnos360.org/ian-fallis/contact/
Looking for an opportunity to be blessed, encouraged and to grow? God generally uses people like you to meet all our needs, so please don’t think you’ve missed out on your opportunity to take part in our ministry by giving to help with our ministry expenses. Give online or find other ways to give: https://blogs.ethnos360.org/ian-fallis/give/
Please keep praying for good, solid direction in one key area of our team’s ministry.
Please make sure your friends are signed up for our newsletter if they want to follow my trip to Africa. I will post updates on Facebook, but you and others may not see them. The one surefire way to see my updates is by signing up for our newsletter: https://blogs.ethnos360.org/ian-fallis/subscribe/
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