Jae’s mom with the Lord!
We were grateful God allowed us about three months before she died. Her cancer was almost spread all over the body but she didn’t feel pain. Amazing! For our kids, it became a great opportunity to think about life and death. In Korea, generally, funeral and wedding are sort of business that people consigned to companies. If you have many guests coming you won’t get loss, even some make profit. Since Jae’s family is small, having a normal funeral seemed not available but God was faithful that we were able to make the funeral without any loss. We appreciate your encouragement and many prayers for this time.
Learning their own culture and new school.
Our son (Urim) and daughter (Wooah) go to Korean public school. School is a good place learning the culture and language. Now, they are getting comfortable living in Korea although they’re still missing America. we can see Wooah made a great progress in many areas, especially her Korean. She still needs to catch up to get the average though, it’s a huge comfort for us as parents. Urim had been struggled to catch up Math for the first half, but he has got 80% for the second half. Yeah~
We’re prayfully planning on going to Asia-Pacific, March, next year.
We have been doing the partnership development for 4 months. At the moment we have about 50% which is based on Korea NTM requirement.
Please pray for…
- We want to keep close walk with the Lord every day so people see Him in and though us.
- Urim and Wooah could grow in His Word and be ready to work with us as partners. Please continue to pray for progress of Wooah’s Korean.
- To have more partners so we could go to Asia-Pacific next March. Nevertheless, we never forget that God is in control and Trusting Him is the key.