Our new grandbaby decided to make her appearance two months early! Needless to say, it was quite unexpected! As soon as we got word that she was coming and nothing was going to stop her, we literally threw our stuff together and headed out of town.
We have not met her face-to-face but all the pictures and videos that Holly sends during the day or brings home each night is truly a delight to see. God is so good in caring for this little one!
Pray for all of us as there are many schedules to juggle – Holly juggles the hospital schedule, Nick juggles work, Jared and I juggle Ariah’s school schedule, Gabriel’s playtime and/or park schedule, household duties throughout the day and supper, and Holly picks up the slack when she gets home at night! Needless to say, there is rarely a dull moment in this household!
Please continue to pray for Elsie as she grows and progress in her development. We are so looking forward to the day when we can see and hold her in person!
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